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We found 17 results matching your criteria.
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VX-5HD 1-5x24 VX-5HD 2-10x42
VX-5HD 3-15x44 VX-5HD 3-15x56
VX-5HD 4-20x52 VX-5HD 7-35x56
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Leupold VX-5HD 1-5x24 - FireDot 4F - L171385 Leupold VX-5HD 1-5x24 CDS-ZL2 - FireDot Duplex - L172367
Price: $1,966.31
Sale Price: $1,866.31
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Price: $2,309.74
Sale Price: $2,109.74
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Leupold VX-5HD 1-5x24 - FireDot 4F - L171385 Leupold VX-5HD 1-5x24 CDS-ZL2 - FireDot Duplex - L172367
Leupold VX-5HD 2-10x42 - Duplex - L171386 Leupold VX-5HD 2-10x42 CDS-ZL2 - FireDot Duplex - L171389
Price: $2,047.46
Sale Price: $1,947.46
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Price: $2,309.74
Sale Price: $2,109.74
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Leupold VX-5HD 2-10x42 - Duplex - L171386 Leupold VX-5HD 2-10x42 CDS-ZL2 - FireDot Duplex - L171389
Leupold VX-5HD 3-15x44 CDS-ZL2 - Duplex - L171714 Leupold VX-5HD 3-15x44 CDS-ZL2 - FireDot Duplex - L172368
Price: $2,047.46
Sale Price: $1,947.46
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Price: $2,309.74
Sale Price: $2,109.74
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Leupold VX-5HD 3-15x44 CDS-ZL2 - Duplex - L171714 Leupold VX-5HD 3-15x44 CDS-ZL2 - FireDot Duplex - L172368
Leupold VX-5HD 3-15x44 CDS-ZL2 - Wind Plex - L171715 Leupold VX-5HD 3-15x44 CDS-ZL2 - Impact 29 - L171716
Price: $2,047.46
Sale Price: $1,947.46
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Price: $2,643.32
Sale Price: $2,434.32
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Leupold VX-5HD 3-15x44 CDS-ZL2 - Wind Plex - L171715 Leupold VX-5HD 3-15x44 CDS-ZL2 - Impact 29 - L171716
Leupold VX-5HD 3-15x44 CDS-ZL2 - Boone & Crockett - L171717 Leupold VX-5HD 3-15x56 CDS-ZL2 - FireDot Duplex - L171390
Price: $2,372.03
Sale Price: $2,272.03
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Price: $2,796.61
Sale Price: $2,596.61
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Leupold VX-5HD 3-15x44 CDS-ZL2 - Boone & Crockett - L171717 Leupold VX-5HD 3-15x56 CDS-ZL2 - FireDot Duplex - L171390
Leupold VX-5HD 3-15x56 - CDS-ZL2 - Mil - Firedot 4F - L175834 Leupold VX-5HD 4-20x52 CDS-ZL2 - Duplex - L171701
Price: $2,796.61
Sale Price: $2,596.61
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Price: $2,958.90
Sale Price: $2,758.90
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Leupold VX-5HD 3-15x56 - CDS-ZL2 - Mil - Firedot 4F - L175834 Leupold VX-5HD 4-20x52 CDS-ZL2 - Duplex - L171701
Leupold VX-5HD 4-20x52 T-ZL3 - TMoA - L171700 Leupold VX-5HD 7-35x56 T-ZL3 - TMoA - L172754
Price: $3,283.47
Sale Price: $3,083.47
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Price: $3,508.05
Sale Price: $3,408.05
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Leupold VX-5HD 4-20x52 T-ZL3 - TMoA - L171700 Leupold VX-5HD 7-35x56 T-ZL3 - TMoA - L172754
Leupold VX-5HD 7-35x56 T-ZL3 - Impact 14 - MoA - 173221 Leupold VX-5HD 3-15x44 CDS-ZL2 - HTMR - 178027
Price: $3,508.05
Sale Price: $3,408.05
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Price: $2,309.74
Sale Price: $2,109.74
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Leupold VX-5HD 7-35x56 T-ZL3 - Impact 14 - MoA - 173221 Leupold VX-5HD 3-15x44 CDS-ZL2 - HTMR - 178027
Leupold VX-5HD 4-20x52 CDS-ZL2 - Firedot Duplex - 178166
Price: $3,383.47
Sale Price: $3,083.47
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Leupold VX-5HD 4-20x52 CDS-ZL2 - Firedot Duplex - 178166